New York
Well hi everybody, as promised here are some tales about New York. But I guess, the pictures also speak for themselves. By the way, if you click ON a picture, it gets bigger, maybe you´ll spot some interesting details. The rose you see at the left is at ground zero. Was very impressive
actually. My thinking was Off all the cities in the world, New York must be the most tolerant one. And see what happened there. Furthermore, you see the brooklyn Bridge.. hiphop, jazz, music.. Also a painting I saw at the MoMa museum, the Museum of Modern Arts.. Macke (Hope), Monet, Picasso, Kirchner, Mondriaan, Warhol.. its all there, incredible to see that finally!! I went to Chinatown, where there was a streetfair (the photo with the balloons) and I had several chats and noodles. There{s the neighbourhood-discussionpic about Beirut and Israel, very interesting to read what they say. Theres Carnegie Hall where I went in for free... to see a piano recital of a famous american composer (??) Leon Fleisher. And of course my mom and Josien came for a couple of days to join me and! We stayed at the Waldorf Astoria hotel, thanks to Baukejan en Gerlinde. I had a tour in the United Nations building as well, very impressive (The Freedom of Expression-pic). Furthermore I met friends of Nynke´s. Monika and Emon, they took me out for dinner with othe
r friends, we went out as well to a real non-smoking Manhattan-cafe
so I got a little impression of New York´s nightlife. Then there was Brooklyn, Soho, Levi´s trousers for 35 dollars and other important things :)

As a whole I think New York is so friendly. At first a got a little scared because the moment I put my foot out of the hostel for the first time, a women came over, asking : are you from Holland? You look SO European!!´. But then I noticed people really laugh to eachother and step aside for eachother on the sidewalk. IN the restaurant there´s free water and bread. Waitresses that are willing to serve you. SO not Amsterdam :) Then there´s the intercultural thing happening everywhere and it doesn´t seem to be a problem or a reason for anxiety. Can´t forget the little food-bar with american music, kosher meat and halal sausages. The black busdrivers that help old posh ladies into their bus and giving all the information about the traffic you want. Funny. Ofcourse I´ve only been there for a short time but still, the atmosphere seemed friendly and tolerant.
So far my New York Tales letting out a lot of stories ofcourse but I guess if I write more it really gets too weary. It's late and my Spanish class is already at eight tomorrow morning. So good night!

As a whole I think New York is so friendly. At first a got a little scared because the moment I put my foot out of the hostel for the first time, a women came over, asking : are you from Holland? You look SO European!!´. But then I noticed people really laugh to eachother and step aside for eachother on the sidewalk. IN the restaurant there´s free water and bread. Waitresses that are willing to serve you. SO not Amsterdam :) Then there´s the intercultural thing happening everywhere and it doesn´t seem to be a problem or a reason for anxiety. Can´t forget the little food-bar with american music, kosher meat and halal sausages. The black busdrivers that help old posh ladies into their bus and giving all the information about the traffic you want. Funny. Ofcourse I´ve only been there for a short time but still, the atmosphere seemed friendly and tolerant.

Hej hej Jantine,
Looks like you're already having the time of your life... and here's the good news... it has only just begun. So keep moving on in front of your backpack (which seems to be the correct way) and enjoy it to the max. I'll be following you through some thin cables and a big monitor...
Hej då
Haaaai Jantine,
Je zult je wel afvragen waarom er vanuit onze kant geen reacties zijn gekomen, en dat zal ik je nu uitleggen! Ik heb twee emailadressen, één voor op het werk en natuurlijk de zilverenslang! De zilverenslangemail wordt alleen gebruikt voor op vakantie.....en je raad het al: wij gaan weer bijna op vakantie, en ik dacht: laat ik eens mijn mailbox schonen.....hehem.....ik moet van Wouter zeggen dat ie erg teleurgesteld is dat hij NIET in de groepsmail staat. Niet boos, maar wel teleurgesteld....hihi....we gaan eerst even heel wat lappen tekst inhalen en vanaf nu regelmatig je site bekijken! Wat een supermooie foto's, echt heel mooi! En wat hebben jullie al veel gedaan!! Wij gaan 20 december naar quatamala en Belize en blijven daar 3 weken, Wouter dacht dat je in Peru zat of Bolivia.
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