Buenas! A quick last word from
costa rica, pacific coast again. I'm in Jaco, a beachplace, after visiting Samara. The finest beaches ever seen, huge waves that I barely survive during my swims. Travelled with guys and girl I already knew, met eachother in the bus in San Jose. Over here the atmosphere is really cool, a nice hostel where we made a huge bbq last night. I'm preparing for my back home a bit now, especially mentally for it could be tough.. I don't feel any urge to leave this 'sweet' life. So I'm pretending not to hear or see anything, and don't talk about it too much. .

From up here I wanna give you all the best wishes for 2007 and the nicest christmasdays. Thank you for reading my weblog, it has been a pleasure to do it and to get the nice reactions.
Hasta luego! Big kiss,